Steelers vs Browns

I’m predicting we win by 17

delete this,start in wedsday!:smiley:

i think the steelers are going to come out flat this game and have a rough time pulling this win out, it might even turn out to be an upset.

if the steelers play the way they did yesterday, they have a good chance at beating anyone this season

i agree that they CAN beat any team but ive seen the steelers lose their focus in the past years and im waiting for it to happen again. i have lots of faith, i just know what its like to play on a team that wins lots of games while having an entire community cheering for them. its easy to win when you are the underdog but when you are expected to play great every game is when the pressure gets to you.

a few people and myself were talking while the game was letting out yesterday and we all agreed the team that can most likely whoop the steelers is none other than themselves

and all of us steeler fans have seen it happen a few times before.

I think the next game the Steelers loose will be Washington in a couple of weeks… I think they’ll breeze thru Cleve and Cincy.


I think Cleveland will hang in there but give it up big in the second half. Garcia is a fighter but he’s gotten hammerred the last few weeks and I think it’s really going to start to show.

i might go to the steeler game this week. or i can wait for the next home game aginst the redskins still thinking about it.

theres alot of shitters there!:smiley:

i get to go to the game!!!

damn good game so far.

not bad we got lucky w/ the interception !

i wouldnt call it luck. Garcia made a bad pass with pressure on the run.

Pittsburgh 24
Cleveland 10

Cleveland still sucks

Some drunk guy at the game tried explaining to me why Pittsburgh sucks about half hour before it started. I made sure to hit him in the head with the terrible towel a few times.