Steve-O on The Adam Corolla Show


Yeah I saw this on TV the other night, I was like WTF??? :gotme:


He acted like an actual Jackass :banghead:

watching that video got me really annoyed…steve-o is a waste of sperm and egg

what a f*cker…

meh, what do they expect. he seems like he’s fucking wasted. Corolla implies that was their intent, to get him drunk then have him do some funny shit.

Guess it backfired. but what should they expect?

wow hes a bit sauced up isn’t he? Havent we all been there before?

:lol: i dunno, it was funny for awhile… i remember seeing him and his friends do shit at evolution on transit… the whole time he was asking people to hook him up with coke and weed and beer… seriously, lol. so whose surprised by what happened?

i laughed when he said he was gonna strangle adam corolla into unconciousness

Corrolla should have kicked his ass, or at least thrown him out sooner. What an asshole.

I thought Steve O would have been dead already.

Would have gotten a fist to the head if he tried pushing me over in the chair


they intentionaly got him drunk … and im betting he was a lil sauced b4 he even arrived at the studio. they MUST have realized that he was to drunk to go on air when they sent him out …

funny because it was such a horrible backfire on the plan, not because steve-o himself is funny

what do they expect, he is not right in le head. then get him drunk?? :bloated:


that reminds me of why i fell in love with the jackass series in the first place…why i went to see the movie the first night it came out…why i love viva la bam, and wild boys…and why for x-mas i’m definitely asking for last season of viva la bam on dvd…

those guys are hilarious, entrepeneurs (sp?)…and geniouses…anybody could think of the shit they did, but they did it, and it worked…and now they’re rich for being dumbasses with high tolerance for pain and stupidity…

what the hell did Adam think bringing steve-o on his show anyways? he obviously had heard of steve-o prior to inviting him, and knew some of his work…thus, should have known what to expect…getting steve-o drunk too? totally adam’s fault, if steve-o is as crazy as he is sober, adam shoulda thought this through a bit more…

and for those that wanna defend adam on his decision and say “there’s no way he could have known steve-o would get that drunk and act so stupid on tv…people dont just do that on tv when they’re invited to a talk show…”

your arguement defending adam sucks, because if he had done his homework on steve-o ahead of time, he coulda found the episode of “blind date” where steve-o went out with a girl, and got totally wasted, and did what he does best…makes a total jackass of himself…

wtf are you guys talking about, this was amazing!

It just shocks me cause ithought he was drunk all the time on the show, now i know he was sober doing all the diving in poo an all.