Headed home from work on sunday,

see a 2 door G35 in the left lane. I pulled up on the right, guy in his mid 20’s maybe a little older, with some hot blonde in the pass seat.

I paced and looked over and :slight_smile: . Heard him downshift as did I. He stepped on it and I heard the 3.5 start to rev, so I step on it and start to wave…spool…and a win for the STI

I dont think the girl in the pass seat saw that one coming…she was giving me the “please” look

Yeah g35 drivers seem to think they are the fastest cars around. overpriced, under powered

Sounds like a real dick, :tup: to smoking him. I gave a cocky 645i owner the same treatment this weekend. :headbang:


haha yes…always fun when they think they have the race won…then they loose :tup:

I want to see you post a kill story where you actually lose

I can’t wait to lose a race and post about it… still lookin for that special stranger.

they have been posted…the only 2 that i have not won against were that old TA and my buddies S/C’d t-bird

I just wont post anymore kill stories :stuck_out_tongue: hope your all dam happy

g35’s r heavy

ahh dammit…not a t-bird…a firebird

:tup: on the kill

it’s pretty much hard to lose on an STi compared to any stock car…

i think a evo should hand him his ass lol




stfu rice boi

so now’s when the drama starts huh?

just like the barf =P

you should race me tomorrow night… i will be around after an header install. then you can post the loss…

lol dont think so highly of yourself, this thread contains 00.01% drama, 99.99% apathy

ok to clear some things up…

I dont think my car is that fast…for a stock car…maybe

I figured people would enjoy some kill stories, even if they were slower cars, seeing as its hard to find someone on a daily basis that can keep up and make a good race

anyway…i’m up to run jack

this was the reason i dont post on the barf really anymore…too much bullshit

I don’t give a shit what these guys tell ya… a kill is a kill. Big Whoop if they don’t think its worth posting. If THE REST OF YOU GUYS HAVEN"T NOTICED… THERE HAVEN"T BEEN MANY QUALITY KILLS POSTED HERE!!!

cept the Skyline Kill… which is a once in a lifetime kill.

exactly…just keeping things active

oh and jack…depending on what time tomarrow…i might be at the track, not sure yet