Sti turbo

Looking for a stock sti turbo and injectors. 2004-2005. Lemme know what ya got.

Are you going back to stock?

No it’s for a wrx

I have a VF39 that was rebuild incorrectly and needs to be rebuilt again I would sell for $300 if interested. (it has no shaft play side to side or in and out but when you tighten the nut on the compressor side you cannot spin the turbo freely)

04 - 06 sti injectors are side feed and won’t work on any wrx without swapping tgvs. You will probably have better luck finding 09+ wrx injectors which will be big enough for a vf39 or vf 43.

IHI turbos are not rebuildable.

If you have side feed STi tgvs already I have some stock 05 STi injectors I can sell you

i have a turbo off my old 6.0 powerstroke if you wanna go big haha