Storage Insurance

How does insurance come into play if i want to buy a project just to store in the garage.

I’m still a student with my parents so would there need to be a primary driver registered if its just sitting in the garage? Cause there are 3 people in the house and this would be our 3rd car.

if its not on the road you dont need insurance, exept maybe fire, theft and whatnot. if your into that kinda thing.


So i pay nothing unless i want fire and theft insurance?


I love fire, and I love theft!

as long as you dont drive it you need nothing but you might want to get it anyways i am parking mine and doing some work on it and as long as i dont drive it its only $15 a month, just incase something gets sotlen from it or scratched or dented anything like that, but if its staying in your home garage i wouldnt even worry about it

another good thing is ur keeping ur car on insurance…if ur currently paying an ok rate and u take ur car off the road then put it back on the rate could be different…keeping it with the insurance company is alot easier…even if its just fire and theft…my moms friend is my agent at state farm she told me all this

i also got the same thing told to me from my state farm agent when i was asking they change your rates if you totally drop you insurance, thats why for only $15 (well me anyways) ill just keep fire and theft on it

Hmmm. well thanks for your help. My plans are just to pick up something with as solid a frame as 1grand and under can get me, and have some fun before uni begins. just gonna park it… somewhere…

Why drop your insurance? I told my insurance company i wasn’t going to be driving the vehicle for the winter and they adjusted my rates to a shitload lower but i wasn’t insured for the months i stated i wont need insurance obviously.

Dunno about your insurance company but i was paying 200 a month x12 (2400) I spoke to them told them i wasn’t driving the car for 5 months so i got credited 1000… after that i was paying 116 a month but was still locked in at my rate. You still pay every month (even when your not driving it) and you wont even be insured (for the winter months you stated) but your still paying money to the insurance company. Basically you get credited the money back but still with the insurance company. Theres no need to drop the policy completely. Confused yet?

No, not really confused. It makes sense to be accredited. Thing is, this wouldnt be sitting for the winter. It would be sitting for however long till i get it running/safetied. Cause my situation is to tow that thing into the garage and buy insurance when its running and safetied.
