street dreams 2. Jerry built, alaniz racing

damn. that is a tight video!

eh, I give it a thumbs down. Buncha PRs and horrible n!g music

I watched 20 seconds and had to stop, some people need to grow the fuck up.

My hondas fast.

I’m a gangster dawg.

they havent taken the wheels off my house yet, but my baby mama says my honda is fast

beaner . spic. gangster

Video was done well

That was about it

Not too bad!

:lol at the front wheel falling off!

dumpy rides

I dont think any of you understand. They live in compton and theyve got 10 second cars and even HD movies. Cultural advancements are coming upon us.

Cultural advancements?? All that shit is available to anyone :lol

LOL @ thinking there is no money in compton…

comptons average income per household - 31k
At an average of 4.15 people per house
Average income per person is around 7.5k a year.
I can guaruntee you that compton has barely any money as its total revenue last year was not even half that of flint michigan.

dkid bringing statistics out of his anal cavity again

Wagenwerks > any Honda video ever made.

Arguements in red.


You can make a ton of money seeling drugs and stolen shit

edit: didnt see 94gts post but you get the idea


I liked the vid

i do like the awol video a lot.