OMG F&FTD on HBO Right NOW!!!

“My grandma can shift better than that and she has one eye”

damnit, i missed it… and i checked VOD and its not there! NOOOOO!!!

I havent seen that damned movie yet :frowning:

“My cat is gay and is always fucking dude cats”


“My cat is gay and is always fucking dude cats”



I was watching this for a little bit. It was the gayest 15-20 minutes of my life.

i was amazed they managed to make that movie more gay than 2F2F. i hate that fuckin Scion Xa so much.


i was amazed they managed to make that movie more gay than 2F2F. i hate that fuckin Scion Xa so much.


WHAT it was way better that 2f2f and f&f combined

we were watching it in the break room at work. it spawned another conversation about cars. listening to some of the guys i work with talk about cars is actually worse than taking any of the 3 F&F movies seriously.

That movie makes me want to have a little asian chick or two to start all my races. “Ready, setah, go!”


we were watching it in the break room at work. it spawned another conversation about cars. listening to some of the guys i work with talk about cars is actually worse than taking any of the 3 F&F movies seriously.


idk man, the first one, even though it was completely ridiculous with the things they said in it, at least had a decent story to it, and the cars weren’t completely fucking outrageously retarded. well not as much as the 2 and 3 movies.

god i just hate those movies all together…who am i kidding. were arguing about what shit stinks more. haha


idk man, the first one, even though it was completely ridiculous with the things they said in it, at least had a decent story to it, and the cars weren’t completely fucking outrageously retarded. well not as much as the 2 and 3 movies.

god i just hate those movies all together…who am i kidding. were arguing about what shit stinks more. haha


if you tried talking to the people i work with about cars, you would understand.

ready? i’ll relay a conversation word for word.

him: yo dan, come summer i want to line up with your teg…AT THE STRIP!
me: why?
him: i want to see how my car does.
me: but my car is stock and i don’t race it.
him: right, that’s why i want to race you. i want to see how my car does.
me: …you drive an accord?
him: yea, but i’m going to turbo the shit out of it.
me: oh…that’s a lot of turboing.
him: yea, how much power are you making with your current setup.
me: i dunno…i think they had about 130 hp or so stock, so probably around 90.
him: i’m going to make at least 250, but when i turn the turbo up, i’ll be way over that.
me: oh…that’s a lot of power in a little car.
him: yea, and that’s 250 AFTERMARKET horsepower.
me: oh. listen, i’m gonna go smoke. i’ll talk to you later on.

swear to god that conversation happened word for word.

I wonder how amhp (aftermarket horse power) compares to bhp and whp. I’m guessing:

bhp<whp<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<amhp :headbang:


I wonder how amhp (aftermarket horse power) compares to bhp and whp. I’m guessing:

bhp<whp<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<amhp :headbang:


:lol: :lol:


I wonder how amhp (aftermarket horse power) compares to bhp and whp. I’m guessing:

bhp<whp<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<amhp :headbang:


i think AMHP is a combination of what your car made stock bhp from the factory with the full autozone claimed gain from your mods. i’m having trouble conveying what i want to say. i’ll use an example with my integra. i wanna say they made 130 bhp from the factory. i don’t know for sure, but this is all hypothetical.

130 bhp means i make around 130 hp…drivetrain loss is a myth of advanced automotive theory in this mindset.

i went to pep boys and bought an intake. on the sticker they claimed up to a 15% gain in hp.
130 hp + 15% (19.5 hp) = 149.5
we’ll round up because my install was done really well.
i now have 150 hp.

i have enough money left over from my paycheck for a new muffler. the muffler sticker said i would get a 5-10% gain from this in hp. they are on sale and i’ll get better gas milage according to the sticker, so it’s worth it. i’m a good driver and i’ll put the muffler on really well. we’ll assume it’s a 10% gain.

150 hp + 10% (15 hp) = 165 hp.

my friend told me people talk about cars on the internet. apparently they can do stuff to the computer in the car to make it even faster. as long as we’re on the internet, might as well check ebay. oh look…capacitors.

upgraded ECU’s make as much as 30% more power. now that’s what i’m talking about.

165 + 30% (49.5 hp) = 214.5 hp
obligatory round up brings us to around 215 amhp.

we haven’t even turbo’d the shit out of it yet.

make more sense?


“My grandma can shift better than that and she has one eye”


Isn’t it drift better? Shift better doesn’t make sense.


i think AMHP is a combination of what your car made stock bhp from the factory with the full autozone claimed gain from your mods. i’m having trouble conveying what i want to say. i’ll use an example with my integra. i wanna say they made 130 bhp from the factory. i don’t know for sure, but this is all hypothetical.

130 bhp means i make around 130 hp…drivetrain loss is a myth of advanced automotive theory in this mindset.

i went to pep boys and bought an intake. on the sticker they claimed up to a 15% gain in hp.
130 hp + 15% (19.5 hp) = 149.5
we’ll round up because my install was done really well.
i now have 150 hp.

i have enough money left over from my paycheck for a new muffler. the muffler sticker said i would get a 5-10% gain from this in hp. they are on sale and i’ll get better gas milage according to the sticker, so it’s worth it. i’m a good driver and i’ll put the muffler on really well. we’ll assume it’s a 10% gain.

150 hp + 10% (15 hp) = 165 hp.

my friend told me people talk about cars on the internet. apparently they can do stuff to the computer in the car to make it even faster. as long as we’re on the internet, might as well check ebay. oh look…capacitors.

upgraded ECU’s make as much as 30% more power. now that’s what i’m talking about.

165 + 30% (49.5 hp) = 214.5 hp
obligatory round up brings us to around 215 amhp.

we haven’t even turbo’d the shit out of it yet.

make more sense?


lol im fuking dying. i wish i could use this whole thing as a sig.


lol im fuking dying. i wish i could use this whole thing as a sig.


<3 dirty.


i think AMHP is a combination of what your car made stock bhp from the factory with the full autozone claimed gain from your mods. i’m having trouble conveying what i want to say. i’ll use an example with my integra. i wanna say they made 130 bhp from the factory. i don’t know for sure, but this is all hypothetical.

130 bhp means i make around 130 hp…drivetrain loss is a myth of advanced automotive theory in this mindset.

i went to pep boys and bought an intake. on the sticker they claimed up to a 15% gain in hp.
130 hp + 15% (19.5 hp) = 149.5
we’ll round up because my install was done really well.
i now have 150 hp.

i have enough money left over from my paycheck for a new muffler. the muffler sticker said i would get a 5-10% gain from this in hp. they are on sale and i’ll get better gas milage according to the sticker, so it’s worth it. i’m a good driver and i’ll put the muffler on really well. we’ll assume it’s a 10% gain.

150 hp + 10% (15 hp) = 165 hp.

my friend told me people talk about cars on the internet. apparently they can do stuff to the computer in the car to make it even faster. as long as we’re on the internet, might as well check ebay. oh look…capacitors.

upgraded ECU’s make as much as 30% more power. now that’s what i’m talking about.

165 + 30% (49.5 hp) = 214.5 hp
obligatory round up brings us to around 215 amhp.

we haven’t even turbo’d the shit out of it yet.

make more sense?


oh ok now i know what you were talking about. and in that case. fucking LOL. oh you.


Isn’t it drift better? Shift better doesn’t make sense.


Yeah thats it, I knew it dint make sense but he was saying something about shifting right before so I must have missheard. It was funny b/c with the quality of these movies that is a legitamate line lol