Well its going to be super nice out tonight so I figured I would see who wants to meet up later on. I know there would be a bunch of people down in the city regardless.
i can, post-midnight.
bad idea, pirates game, cops and clean up crew in the parking lots. strips is a better idea. just don’t piss , lol
I still dont understand why that kid had to piss between those telephones? Like primantis was about 30 ft away from him and there open all the time?
btw ill be at the stript tonight… jack call me and let me know what time.
you guys gonna drag race or somethin?
I gotta return some videotapes
@ Patrick Bateman
Drift only.
thats it?
on fwd? :greddy:
be there to find out.
sorry bututt im drunk now, not riacing for me
drifting is not racing it is a art.
drifting is gay, and so is throwing tomatoes :greddy:
gayyyyyyyy…had to go through the back entrance a matrix at 245 in the AM to pick up my drunk ass girl in the club…Matrix security are good guys GF = POS I’m pissed…had to clean puke off the seat at 300 am booooo…Fucking filthbags
we almost had to clean tomatos off of a blue 240sx
i woulda taken her home for ya :naughty:
anyway. that cop was a piece of shit. about 45 other officers drove past and didnt say shit, then some fuckin douchebag says have to move the cars… fist yourself asshole
like u did shaggy!:gaysex:
we stayed he never came back