strip district tonite?

Anyone headed down the strip say round 12 ish?? :naughty:

work in morning, no go for me

fuck u

I’d be game.

I rolled through with two guys form my station. We were actually at the Boardwalk.

We thought there would be more people considering the allstar games is this week.

city was crazy packed tonight…PA Troopers EVERYWHERE. Cool to city so packed for the allstars game.

Too short notice last night, might try it tonight…

stay away from the strip and obviously heinz. cops are everywhere and they are looking to make money. Buddy of mine got puled over, no joke, two times in 3 minutes. second time was the commander and the cuffs came out.

il goes duwntahn tnite ia aaint scured of know kopse

ya but look at ur buddys:ugh: nuff said!


Bj, greg and mcfadden? what about them?

and both times he deserved it no offense. They told everyone that the city was packed and you can’t park on the side. Don’t do anything dumb and you won’t get pulled over.

when is the game?

willing to bet you dont say that to their faces

first time they didn’t do anything, second time they were facing the wrong direction. hardly major offenses. cops are loving the power they have this weekend.

not them numbnutz

Oh I’m definitely NOT going down then!

ummm ok?

would u really? hu hu hu…