
you are dumb. you really are. you had half a car on me with stock intercooler, a junk tranny and 14psi… congratulations… oddly my car is black because its the paint, not because it burned… next

ill say it directly to your face, and you know that.

trust me i have seen both go ,bretts would walk all over ya if given the rip

i’ll be happy with a 12.80 with just a clutch.

hopefully sully will be true to his word so i can borrow his nittos so i can click off a 10.99 babyyyyyyyy

12.2 @ 118 with a dead cylinder, with a 2.3 60ft on pump gas… what did you do again travis??

not that you could have the chance to run it again though… my car will be together again, and make more power and be more consistant than when i took it apart… and my other turbo car will have my 30R on it.

yes, my car caught fire. good for you for pointing out the OBVIOUS… you’re a master of it. something that was 100% out of my control… and even i wasnt driving caused my car to go bye bye… im not crying about it, i dont care about it. you get ur thong in a wad every time someone questions you or anything you say because u have an inferiority complex. you hate to be wrong… well newsflash douchebag… you’re wrong… and wrong alot… you get by riding on the coattails of your friends and their accomplishments… go ahead and brag about being in the navy and services and all that… good for you… want a cookie? quit trying to be the internet toughguy. its gotten old and ALOT of people are sick of it… not just me. making you a mod on here was the most IDIOTIC shit anyones ever done.

12.339 @ 111.30 with a 1.716 sixty foot… and had the same power year round… driving it daily whether there was 2 foot of snow or 95* heat. were you on racegas or pump? i was on 93 octane. in a 3500lb car.

oh travis took had hater cookies today. still hung up on the past huh. im willing to bet alot more people dislike you, and not just speaking in the local 518 area. youre known nationwide on every subaru forum for being a scumbag, youre known locally as such. ive never ripped anyone off, i dont lie, i dont steal. i am honest to my word and come through on my deals. i pay my loans, i pay my other bills, i can hold a job.

who coat tails do i ride? i build my own cars, and help my friends with theres…

sure i had a defect in my car, oh boy, things happen after 3 years of hard driving. but unlike you i can rebuild, and pick up where i left off. i dont cry poverty at every faulter in my life. my existance isnt a waste. yes i did join the navy. that in itself is more than you can say pal. i bet if we had the draft still you would head for the border like the spineless sap sucker you are.

pump gas like i stated in the post i made, moron. go drive year around, enjoy it… well you cant drive it…

i CHOOSE not to drive year round. i unlike you choose to have mulitple vehicles to preserve my fun car… its a choice. either ya got it or you dont.

think of something cunning to say travis, really do it. youve got nothing on me. so im a dick head to a majority of the population of this site, wowowowowowow. its alright. those who know me, know im having fun. you apparently came guns out, but forgot to bring the fire to the fight. youre a lowlife scumbag and always will be. theres no level of reformation great enough to reverse anything youve done the slightest bit, the best thing for you to do is change your name and move to a different part of the country in hopes people wont recognize your whit and charm via internet chat and forum posts

where do i start here… how am i hung up on the past… im the one talking about RIGHT NOW. dont give a fuck about the past.
secondly, you brag more about other peoples cars than anyone ive ever met. (ill let you sit and think about that one)
thirdly, yes i had a “defect” in my car after several thousand miles of beating and abuse as well… what is different here? NOTHING. it just so happens your car fail wasnt as catastrophic… nothing you could do to prevent it, going to cost alot of money to repair… etc… right. yeah thats what i thought.
im not crying poverty at all. i dont whine or bitch or complain about what i have or where im at.
as far as the services i enlisted in the navy out of highschool. since i had 5 years of french they wanted to make me an interpreter… i said no and my recruiter told me that thats where they were putting me. i did not want that so i didnt sign on the dotted line. if there were a draft id be the first one to grab a gun and stand a post. i have no problem firing a weapon. im more than adequate in that department, whether it be bow, rifle or pistol im plenty sifficient. so by all means lets continue this dick measuring contest… im psyched.

so much arguing,

so heres some telitubbies getting their drink on

not worth it obama. not to me any way. i have nothing to prove to you, nor do i require a reason to explain myself to you. you are nothing and never will be, youll always be travis, the guy who used scissor jacks when painting his wheels pink, then they broke…

although im sure you would LOVE to sit here and bicker about your failures, but i have far more important things to tend to. thanks for playing. i hope someday the crest white strips MEGA strength work out and maybe you can keep a job long enough to collect the offered health benefits.

wow you’re just KILLIN IT tonight arent you? havent you gotten tired of tooting your own horn yet or is that a tune you’ll never tire of? opinions are like assholes… and so are you. believe what you want. doesnt phase me in the least. THIS GOES FOR ALL OF YOU!!! i dont fucking care what you think of me. go brag about ur broken car and ur friends accomplishments brett. im sure you will have no problems with continuing on your mission in life to be the biggest douchebag in the 518.


you continuing to get pissed, swear, call people names, neg rep people, and post here in general shows that you do care

actions speak louder than words

  • rep mr buccs

i reply as any rational person would when they are being insulted.
i post in here as a form of entertainment. dont like it, dont read it. pretty simple aint it? people are living in the past when it comes to their insults of me… awfully hard for any new material and if it takes you having to go back 1yr+ to find something to rag on me for you’re stretching it pretty thin. id say thats weak game in any sense of the terms. i honestly couldnt give 2 fucks about the actual context or content of your posts in reference to me. i will respond as i see fit. thank you, come again… im sure you will.

You always seem to be saying stuff along these lines as if it solves anything, it just makes you look like a hypocrite because somehow in your mind it doesn’t apply to you. If your advice was so spectacular you would ignore any mention of you in a negative way in a post.

And I personally have plenty of “material” on you as far as the STi goes, and it’s common knowledge pretty much world wide about your Subaru scam extravaganzas, so please, don’t bullshit yourself.

Oh, and inbefore physical confrontation challenges/threats, those are always funny from a 27 y/o living at home to an 18 y/o.