Student attempts suicide because of

fresh prince username nice
cant believe he would do that though, just cuz of the internet, hard to believe that was only reason

wow. sounds like he already wanted to and just needed a budge off the cliff

lol nice



That looks sooooo fake…

LOL @ everyone saying fake

read til the end fuckers.

it could easily be real or fake. LOL

Ok I read the whole 1/2 page of the story… I still believe it’s fake.

its obviously fake

hence the “bel air” joke

basically insinuating that it’s false.


It is a terrible photoshop

and people have a tendency to reply with the Bel-air thing to threads at random.

it is fake.

So I was in Japan on this road that was parallel to some train tracks, all
of a sudden I see a High Speed Bullet train in the distance, I downshift to
catch up. I get alongside of him at about 150 +/-. I give him 3 honks and a
couple seconds later, I put 5-6 bullet train lengths on him and I was STILL
pullin on him.

I met him at the train station and talked to the engineer for a couple
minutes and talked about his mods, hes got an upgraded electrical rail
connector, capacitors and some program. I would hate to see what i would do
to him if we really raced from a dig, cuz if im pulling that many trains
from a roll…dig = owned

<3 OT

“I told you I was hardcore.”


what is with this fake stories ended in the fresh prince, you and darkstarr

its an OT thing

i am going to shit myself laughing

One of the better bandwagons.

Even if this was true… I wonder how many times Newman or Beck caused kids to do this?

I don’t know what’s more ridiculous, the fact that this kid tried stabbing himself and failed, or you idiots arguing about how real or fake it is.