Student gets owned by Professor...

Hello, despite popular belief, I actually want you to learn the content of the class. It can be difficult since a lot of people aren’t used to thinking in this sequential, logical way. Ummm, but…
is going to get you kicked out. Is that what you want? Don’t think so. Do the work, learn the material, it’s required. I understand it is a prereq and your focus is on your major; so this does have to take the back-burner sometimes. But this is part of your requirements. I hope you can find some interest in it. A lot of us find it fascinating.

Read thread for entertainment :

lol, owned.

and LOL @ some of the responses :lol:

EDIT: Summary : FUcking LOL. First the teacher posts in the thread, then his MOM posts in the thread under his name, then the dude who ratted him in posts in the thread about 20 pages in, woweee that thread is A++++++ :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

lol some responses from random people in thread :

postin from ST. Louis. This is EPIC!!!

Amazing simply amazing. This thread is getting passed around the internet faster than my little sister on payday.

LoL, I like this one :

dammit man…what about the old saying, “if you aint cheating, you aint trying” that keeps popping up in my head…
I love you guys that don’t cheat and work your asses off, you make great employees.Then, when you enter the real world, bitch when motivated people market THEMSELVES or know somebody you don’t and get jobs making awesome money. AND THEN we hire people like you who like to work so hard to make US look good. You continue to work hard for us, and bitch about it.
Dude you college kids need to get out into the real world and see how it really is…

Wow just WOW…i am from the JBO( and i had to come over and see this for my own eyes…definantly a LEGENDARY thread… i hope you dont get thrown to the wolves on this one…you could be a campus celebrity over night if you survive this!!

lol heres a good one, solve your problems by hitting on the instructor :lol:

Beef play your cards right, who knows. Tell her youll make it up to her throw some charm in all women are the same and respond to the same things especially single mothers. If you are going to talk to her make sure your presentable you can turn this into a positive easier than you think especially if you got any game.

OMG, best thread ever


The one post from the snitch is ironic, because I helped someone in some computer courses. And then they got a job that I wanted barely knowing how to turn a computer on, let alone fix one.

And then she had the balls to ask if I would help her learn about fixing computers about 4ish months ago so she would at least have a clue what she was doing. Drove me up a fucking wall. When I asked her about the interview so I could make some money on the side training her, she was like “uhh… I don’t remember the questions. But man the supervisor was super cute.”

thats classic


I love how everyone starts calling the teacher a MILF around pg 4-10. I’m sure that helps. :lol:

I’d hit it.

i would be so pissed at the douche that turned him in. The kid pussed out though, he could have gotten away with it if he was smart about it

and what kind of broad is named justin anyway

its probably pronounced justeen

lol good read
