To the pissed off engineering student next to me...

Stop complaining about your professors and fellow classmates, your buddy doesn’t care, and you failed your electromechanics class because you didn’t the work.



hahaha i f’ing hate those kids in class! The lazy moron’s that bitch about how everything other than the fact that they are lazy, stupid, and dont do the work MUST be the reason they get crappy grades! haha love it

is he on the boards?

they didnt the work, that explains it!

and yeah, had a kid like this in my class, would show up once every 2 weeks and say “my brain hurts.” one kid actually stepped up and said “why, you dont do anything!”

You accidentally the work ?

No he’s not on the boards, rip me apart for it.

I’ve heard the same whining and botching all day from guys like this, I’m just tired of it. Do your work and stfu.

no no i agree…

This is why we can’t have nice things.

who is complaining! I heard jesus talk in Bell 101 earlier! I was sad.

FUCK YOU! I did do the work for electromechanics, the prof is an moron that cant even speak goddamn english! The class is full of long island assholes who make me want to slam a pencil through my eye. If you dont like it, dont sit near me douchebag.

i was gonna say that ^

You’re complaining on the internet about someone complaining in your class…

And you’re complaining on the internet about someone complaining on the internet about someone complaining in a class. :run:

Welcome to the real world boy… The work place is just like that… you will get seated next to someone who does not do anything, yet gets paid a similar wage or more than you; and does nothing but bitch about his job among everything else.

<3 fry lol

This is at buff state jt btw lol, change the part about speaking English to not speaking proper English lol

im stating that you’re complaing about someone complaining on the internet about someone else complaining on the internet who is complaining about someone in his class complaining.

i win!:nerd:

That’s why I’m going for technology education, teaching ftw.

Ok, so then you just get to deal with kids doing the EXACT SAME THING!!! :roflpicard:

But I have control… Mwhahaha!

No seriously tho, I can’t wait till ppl like this get to the workplace and try the same shit

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