Stupid Alias

So I’m sitting here enjoying my yellow tail shiraz and writing up one of three labs I have to turn in Monday while watching Alias on ABC…phew…what a run on…

Anyway. I said oh sweet she is driving an XJR, but it has the really ugly 5 spoke 19" wheels which are just too big for the car (and almost any car that isn’t called 'Yil Ghun’s Whiphu). The 18’s of ealier years were much better. It’s one of the only cars that I really have a problem with 5 spoke wheels on. Just too much mass for the design. A German car can pull it off well. Ahem I don’t know what’s going on with the SLR’s wheels, though. Ahem.

Anyway. I notice as she’s waiting to get on a ferry that this big magnet drops down on the roof. This [preturbs] me. I said, self…shouldn’t they have known that the car was made out of aluminum. So how are they getting such a car to do this. I think that Ford has an agreement with ABC or something, because they drive an awful lot of Ford products. So that nixes using a 7 series. And forget about an S-Class, that would be like trying to move the moon away from the earth by blowing through a straw.

Hm. So how did they do it. Well that’s not an XJR. Or those are not XJR wheels. I don’t know where they got those wheels from, but they’re ugly. I’m guessing they rigged a normal XJ8 or possibly an XJ6 (which from what I gather is more fun to drive than the XJ8…I really don’t care, v8’s and v6’s have no place in an English car. None. Screw you if you think otherwise).

I just think that it’s rather funny that a “spy” show actually can’t get the details down. I guess that’s why it’s a spy show.

if it is the aluminum car, they probbaly added a large padded ferrous mass inside the cabin to adhere to the magnet. or, (the more likely situation, as it involved the cutscene - editing mistake with the wheels) they attached hidden (or later digitally-removed) cables to the car with a dummy magnet. plus, you should have been perturbed, not preturbed. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

my roommate in college was a video production major, and it became a game to find editing errors. watch Terminator 2, the one scene where the biker gets thrown onto the hot stove…

preturbed lol oh dear