Hey guys,
I’m looking for a forum or website that has a database (or maybe some threads if it’s a forum), of stupid/lame/outdated/etc. comebacks to use in arguments.
Hey guys,
I’m looking for a forum or website that has a database (or maybe some threads if it’s a forum), of stupid/lame/outdated/etc. comebacks to use in arguments.
look for Travis threads
Thanks :facepalm
lock 2
lock 3 BAM
PJB ruining all of my Christmas fun
Well what I mean is he’s got some really lame comebacks so check his posts in threads about him.
Christmas is officially ruined
if i wanted that comeback, i would have wiped it off your momma’s lips
“No, you.”
Best comeback EVER.
better than the “NO U” pic
Theres always “thats what she said.” Always works.
go gag on a shotgun
anything effinmanbearpig says