Stupid fucking people

This fucking lady is an idiot. What I love is how the union posted her address and full name… :rofl:

Patricia M. Frankhouser, of 910 Scott Ave of Jeannette, PA

Hmm I wander how long you have to live in a place like this and realize the tracks are still operational…

what a fucking moron, that shit just pisses me off…

how in the fuck does someone get hit by a train :rofl:
if you find yourself on train tracks when a train is coming simply step 3 feet to the left!
or right! :doh:

its jeannette, crack is in abundance there

well I like how she is suing because there arn’t signs posted saying people shouldn’t walk there…

First it is private property. Rail lines are purchased by the rail companies
Second how the fuck are you not going to move :rolleyes: :rofl:

I think the train conductor should have sped up…

Hey who wants to go with me to giant eagle and stick our tounges on the racks in the frozen food section. We can then sue saying there wern;t signs say not to do that. :rofl:

I can’t believe people actually file a lawsuit for shit like this. Lawsuits like this piss me off, it’s not the companies fault she is a fucktart.

i’ll be there in 15 mins,
then we can go to shop n save and do the same thing and double our money :slight_smile:

u should be glad kerry and edwards didn’t win then. edwards made a living on BS lawsuits against doctors

politics are over, don’ ruin this stupid / funny ass thread with politics


the train didnt try hard enough
so yeah she should get the money…

I hope you are being sarcastic…

your typical loser trying to get some free $ through an outrageous law suit…kinda reminds me of the mcdonalds suit over the coffee cups not warning you that the coffee is hot. :asshole

no i really think that the train should have shown a little more effort…

Yeah, and kill the dumb ass so she couldn’t sue at all.
