Stupid questions

OK im not tryin to bash any other forums but is it me or is H-T getting worse. I used to go on there allot but i stopped, and lately i just started lookin at there forum and notice that there are more ppl on there asking stupid questions verses when i was on the forum a while back, posts used to be interesting, technical…but anyhow somethin i just noticed.

hairy twat?

hot transvestite?


thats cold brian :moon:


take off the dress!



I usually just cruise through Honda-Tech. I don’t even sign on. Just never liked the amount of traffic.

8Grand, where the hell did go? I miss whoring that site up :frowning:

I do the same i cruise through im not even a memeber there…

that classifieds section is the worst thing for a buyer/seller situation with the amount of traffic it gets. you can post an ad and check back 2 hours later and already be on the 4th or 5th page

anyways :1320:

at not 1 point did that post make any sense :rofl:
pewter’s posts > your posts

anyones post > yours ^^^

drag section is only good section on ht.

its also possible that you have learned a little bit in that time. so, posts that you used to think were interesting and technical, now seem silly.

I think Dom told me pa hondas was hacked, so he took it down and never rebuilt it.

this is pretty much the truth. i also hang out in the type R section(for whatever reason) and its monitered tighly so its not bad. plus they have a huge fact section about everything you pretty much need to know, so stupid questions are either refered to there or locked.