style-choosing internet radio (pandora)

pretty cool.

very cool.

i found this out like 2 years ago… im sure someone will scream repost, but its ok, cus i forgot about it :slight_smile:

everything on the internet is a repost, and fake!

thats awesome! thanks for the link

I usually use for streaming radio, works great and has a bunch of different channels to listen to

i’ll have to check this one out though

Pretty cool for sure, had it on since I saw this about 3 hours ago…

got it from my friend about a year ago. Its pretty sweet

omg omg repost i swear to god im gonna hunt you down and slit your throat :squint:

use it all the time, love it

neat thanks.


word, forgot about this shit.

i love this thing, just from random shit I say I like it managed to find one of my favorite inxs songs from like 15 years ago…

My smooth hip hop station

so i’m just jumping on this pandora thing as of about 5 minutes ago and i’m having a blast. :tup: x a million.

Tried it out yesterday, and I’m still listening today. I like.

Hadn’t used this in a while, for no real reason. Using now and rocking socks. :tspry:

Been a while. :tup: