I mainly listen to the alternative/indie channel and for some reason I just hear Soundgarden after Audioslave and Nirvana after Foo Fighters. I just got Fell on Black Days(SG), Last Light Remaining(AS) and The Day I Tried to Live(SG) in succession and if I dare check the :tdown: on all of them, I can forget having them for when songs come up that really suck. It’s like Chris Cornell and Dave Grohl secretly run the site and it’s strange enough that their songs are on the indie channel… What stations are you listening to and do you seem to hear a lot from the same few artists?

i def get random songs that make you think ‘where the hell did that come from’

I stopped using pandora for just that reason.

I don’t know. I’ve had a lot of luck with it, and discovered a good dozen artists through that site that I now listen to regularly.

And as an added bonus, I’ve just now gotten it configured to stream through my Roku Soundbridge into my theater system.

bump… do anyone know if you can go back and listen to a song like a second time?

ugh way to dig up a cavi mike thread… he was the WORST.

and no, you can’t go back or pick and choose songs. you get what you get.


ive had luck with it recently…most of the songs that came up were song that i have on my pc at home.

I have been using because pandora is blocked @ work.

I just started using Pandora. Sometimes I get really aggravated. I end up changing channels every 10 minutes. I can’t find a channel that I truly enjoy. :frowning:

if you liked MSI it would make things easer…and you cant make up your mind on shit you like

Dude, MSI BLOWS. Worst band around. Well, maybe not worst, but they’re up there!


I have just been making emails and doing the free trials. 7 days and you can listen online.

thats soo getto i like it

:tup: To the Rockabilly Revival Channel.

I honestly tried to pay for it but it would keep changing my billing address to some format that would decline my card and they do not have a customer service number and make it a pain in the ass to contact them so screw it.

It’s all about the NITS, man

lol do a google search on " NITS "

I listen to slacker radio over pandora in most cases.