Styr Nightclub is now under new ownership

it’s not anything new though. i remember that pissing me off when i was like 19…

i know it’s not new, i always heard it on the radio, i just don’t get how it’s legit to do. Can they say “no black people” too?

I agree, it is age discrimination. Not leagal at all but i am all for anything that increases the pink taco to sausage ratio. Not to mention 18 year old guys tend to be thugs.

Technically it’s legal because it is a private club, you have to be admitted inside, they can pretty much exclude whoever they want. It’s the same thing with stores having the ability to refuse a sale to someone. There is no law that says that it is your right to go to styr or buy something from a particular store. I don’t agree with it either but thats just the way it is. = my $0.02



so if i wanted to open a bar that said “no blacks allowed”, i could?

they have those; they’re called “country line-dancin” bars… lol

^^ lol

sounds like a good time though… keep the sausage down to a minimum

uhhh, honestly stay out of this thread…you can stick with yer 15 year olds.

Yes it is 100% legal, it is a private establishment and it’s not discrimation it’s based on the maturity level(18-21 year old guys are usually the ones involved when a fight breaks out, typically speaking) It’s similar to posting a dress code, the club is looking out for the rest of the crowd there.

and newman, I realize that was mainly sarcasm. Then again the reason there is a dress code enforced is to keep the “ghetto” crowd out.

I had never heard of this place until I moved into Wimbledon Ct just down the road. When I first drove past it I swear I thought it was a strip club. :lol: Coming from the west it just looks like a boarded up house with a shitty parking lot and a sign. Never did go there, just walked to Calico Jack’s instead. The last time I was there (which was a while ago) the bartenders were hot and showing their bewbies.

heyy, welcome to the area we(my roomate and I) live in Birchwood about 2 minutes away from you.
yeah it’s always been a really good time you should definately stop in tomorrow.


In my opinion, when a “ghetto” (black) guy dresses up, they look a hell of a lot better than when white guys, who do the same. Aslong as they aren’t popping their collar.

They try to keep black guys out, because then the white guys wouldn’t have a chance in hell. Trust me… I know your average bar slut. :lol:

uhh “ghetto” didn’t mean black I actually have alot of black friends but they wouldn’t be caught dead wearing their pants half off their ass trying to be a “thug”.
and how do you figure black people look better dressed up? It completely depends on the person on how they are going to look.



so your basing it on a few creepy looking white guys?
hate to tell you but theres alot of really creepy looking black guys that wear shitty suits too.

apples/to oranges, some white guys know how to dress as do some black guys.
lol wtf

there’s a few golf courses here that do not allow women to even be on the property.

Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden


The buffalo club on delaware only recently started letting womein in wearing pants. They used to only be allowed to wear skirts and had to come through the side door.