Subaru Designer Fired.,20384,20248914-21822,00.html

eh. i like the way my car looks…

:tup: i never liked that damn thing anyway. they should havfe left the 04-05 front end on it.

so much in fact, that i drove it into a curb.

Im glad to see a change. Its a traditional front end but it really does look too alfa-like. Im looking forward to the new impreza and im hoping they take some design ideas from the prodrive p2 but thats just wishful thinking.

Rowley says the propeller face has not been applied to the facelifted Liberty and Outback

Stupid Subaru Liberty!

apparently the Legacy is called the Liberty in Australia.

I hated the new grill when I first saw it. But now I love it.

I liked that design from day 1…too bad.

The new design is awesome IMO.

in pics the grill looks gross, in person it looks awesome. i think its really stupid that he got fired.

100% of Subaru cars are 100% fugly.
They haven’t built a good looking car since 2001.
My 2 cents.

For $90,000 you can get a good looking, good performing Suby.:biglaugh:

Ahh go screw:D

Thats a beautiful car…I just hope that the price is a typo.

old > new

In for next years design

…a Subaru was spotted doing…something…a few days ago…

This should be interesting to see how they’ll change it around for next year. i didn’t like the new grill too much for this current model, but it has grown on me and i don’t mind it at all anymore.


I agree I don’t like the new grill in person, or on paper.

That Alfa guy ruined Subaru IMHO. I liked how they used to be.

Yep, looking at the link AWDrifter posted I gotta say this was a good move. Can’t wait to see the new design.

Now for the real design criminal, Chris Bengal over at BMW.

Yeah Bengal gets a lot of flack but I love the look of the 5 series…now. Its not as subdued as the E39 (which still looks great to me) but its certainly a good looking car still.