Subaru drift car stolen

Japspeed subaru stolen!
who would be so stupid to steal such a unique car from a show
taken from japspeed FB page:

People please help us … Somebody has stolen our Subaru drift car from the Performance Vauxhall Show at SantaPod … this happened earlier tonight. Can you PLEASE help us get OUR car back guys … Reply here if you have any information or saw anything.

There are already videos of it being posted as it cruises down the highway from last night. I think it was last seen at 745pm (england time) going south down the M205

…but how did they take it without being noticed is my question

Can someone give me a few pointers on drifting? I recently acquired a cool Subaru that’s been converted to RWD, so that should be a pretty good drift car.

On a serious note: I doubt they got too far. It is a Subaru, remember.

lol but its Toyota powered. so thats a +1 for reliability

Yeah it has a 2jz in it lol

Ah yes, the classic Suprabaru. :rofl

Overnight parts from UK

hate to say it but whoever stole it has probably already parted it out into as many pieces as possible if it hasn’t been recovered yet. Sucks

They deserved it.

Lol at youtube vids of it on the highyway. Big balled theives have big balls.

link to youtube video

it’d be a hell of an adrenalin rush buzzin that thing down the highway after stealing it

Yea it was :lol

its probably in a pile of parts next to the stolen tein vehicles. really easy to unload one off parts. quite dumb really.

they found it in one piece!

Even BBC made a report about the car being stolen. Pretty incredible

they have amstericans in england too. lol. Good to see they got it back in relatively one piece,

yea only thing missing was the spoiler lol. just someone wanting a joyride.

spoiler=trophy. epic.