suck my stubbly cock shift518

i have been drinking since 6:30pm on friday and then i banged my equally drunk GF until her vagine hurt. So suck . Vlad and drift BROS you are cool. Butt all you other fags and giraffes can suck it long and hard like bitches.

passed out hot sexed girlfriend

little bitch kids trick or treat candy i stole

so S my D. and Whoppers suck

approved! :thumbup

Great story. Will read again!


Verified at last! :number1

you better read it again,

it has cock, hot girls, alcohol abuse, child abuse and hard drug use all in one.

A++++ thread.

best thread 2009


awesomeness…now do i count as pretend drift bro…lol.

i love how im teh only one singled out lolllll

I would vote yes

she kinda looks like kramers mom

just sayin

HAHA. Good shit right here!

haha omg I’m still drunk and I cant believe I ripped that trick or treat bucket out of some little kids hands and slammed the door in his face

Wow :rofl

I cant wait for part 2 of this story…

“I got my ass kicked by some little kids dad”

Does Sam always pass out?

sam passed out at about midnight.

She wasn’t as drunk as me

+rep,great story to wake up to.

just sobering up now.

Puked at 10:30 in the bathroom at work, while customers waited outside

that is how you do it. :lol
