Suggestion Thread

good point…

there should be a “feedback” thread stickied on successful transactions as well. that way we can all buy/ sell without doubt. :number1

Alright scratch the spotlight, how about the other items on the list?

horrible idea, fo real :crackup

other ideas are great. waiting for the

“KGB Stamp of approval” ;D


I think the “letter game” thread should be moved to the garbage section, especially if you moved the equally lame “talking w/o words” thread there.

Motion granted!

Should all the forum games reside there? Or some like the beat this picture game can stay in OT?

I dunno, up to you. I think ones as stupid as the ones previously mentioned should be in the garbage section. At least the other ones (ie: beat the picture) are actually funny, whereas the ones you moved are just stupid.

sub forum games thread? off OT.

theres enough crap in ot and battle field. might as well organize it.

I suggest that the ‘Garbage Bin’ threads be locked :nod


agree, utterly, painfully, useless.

thank you.

so wait lemme get this straight, u wanna lock the thread that u started and you both continue to post in… :confused

theres a bunch of useless threads on here, so y dont we lock everything… :confused

yeah but those have gone painfully long, and now its just repetitive lame, but i really dont care…my preference would be to not lock them but to have them stop popping up when i hit new posts :rofl

I havent posted in that in a while, i started it…it got horribly gay after people started reusing words and such

as well as the talking without words :confused :gay

and most of the useless threads are locked as well or in the garbage bin which should be locked. I’m sure Vlad will agree.

I don’t know, I don’t see a problem for them being open in the Garbage can section?

Thats why they are there, nobody will accidently venture out there looking for content, people who want to go there know what they are getting themselves into. If I were to just lock them, why would I need a new section?

i suggest locking this, or garbage canning it

I split it and put it in the battlefield for a reason. who gives a shit what happens to it now.

i think its fine in battlefield and now people are just argueing about the ethics of throwing things at ricers cars, maybe we will all come to one conclusion and decide whether it right or wrong or what time it should happen, or theres gonna be moar fighting it could go either way :lol