Suggestions on where to spend this $$$$

no ricing out the car, My friend has an S2000 and i think it looks nice and clean stock… save the money

What else would i be talking about?:confused:


:lol: buy her a ring :lol:

But on a serious note only you know your current financial situation so assuming you have taken care of long term investments then the ring or house i suppose. I think the lip and diffusor are hideous to be honest. I would get the house first then a ring later since i feel there is less of a chance of you later on thinking “ugh wtf was i thinking buying a house”.

the funny thing is that the ring is the one i would consider the least important option…but at the same time, it’ll probably hold its value better than any of the others…

not feeling the lip or diffuser.

Maybe get a smaller lip to keep urself happy with the car, and then most of it towards the house/condoms.

House. There’s something strangely satisfying about being broke in your own place.

Nobody’s ever lost a house down a drain. :smiley:

Buy your girl some tires.


lol what the hell is that?

330ft deep sinkhole…aka God’s drain…

50lbs of bacon?

Or lots of condoms, and handcuffs.

Turbo spark plugs, and a book on fiberglassin!

in the mail haha

What does your car have now? Pics plz.

I vote stock front lip and side strakes.

I have the OEM lip, but not the strakes…those are about $500 i think. Nice but not worth it IMO.
I just lowered it but other then that its stock. I feel like it needs something else
b4 new springs

fog lights
diferent diffusor

lol. good one.