Summer GPNY trip?


My buddy zach i smaller than you. I ran 2 seconds faster than him at GPNY’s uptown

$hit one of your LEGS is 5’7" 130 and I think you ran faster than at least half the squad last time… haha

Archie, you can swear, this is a forum for grown-ups :smiley:

Had me fooled!

I was very impressed with chuck at GPNY when we went down. If we go to this cherry valley youll have a better chance to make up for that extra 30 lbs you have on me right chuck? LETS SET THIS UP

Hell yeah let’s do it. I was only like .1 or something off your fastest lap or something right?

No timers at CVMP. Just straight racing.

Oh well. We’ll just keep track of how many times I lap dkid.


Add me to the list.

Chris - 130lbs


  • 5 Laps $ 15.00
    *10 Laps 25.00
    *15 Laps 35.00
    *20 Laps 45.00
    *25 Laps 50.00
    *30 Laps 60.00
    *35 Laps 70.00
    *40 Laps 80.00
    *45 Laps 90.00
    *50 Laps 100.00

The carts apparently are good for 65mph. Damn. Somebody is going to get seriously injured on this trip for sure :lol

No shennanigans thou. The treated us good the last time we were there… Let us get away with a lot of shit as long as we were respectful of the equipment… only had 1 major fuck up… I belive archie/swift made some sweet cart lovin and fucked up a wheel/axle on the cart

Those carts give you a serious workout too… I was pretty fuckin beat at the end of the day not gonna lie

:slight_smile: im down. can we do another pool for an overall winner??? :thumbup

I’m down for CV. My arms hurt so bad last time from gripping that wheel but it was great fun.

yea CV is what i meant too. Fuck GPNY.

But I probably won’t bet this time. Singh is much smaller than me and he was a pain in the ass to try and catch last time. You were pretty quick as well. 5’11" and 195lbs doesn’t help me much.

Neither do excuses.


Just busting yer ballz man, we should go back to CVMP most def. I say another end of summer trip?!

Can we make this official with a set date? Oh, and I don’t come with excuses.

lets do it in the second half of july im going to england at the end of this month so don’t plan it then