Summer Movies

kung fu panda was good
the panda reminded me of steelcity6 though lol

step brothers [ame][/ame] looks pretty funny

I just saw Wanted last night. It was different. I didnt care for it.


and you actually try to counter-argue when we call you a homo???


:rofl: :rofl:

Saw it too, wasnt bad, felt like it could have been a little bit longer. Worth a Rent or download once theres clean versions out.

I bet he uses the “I have kids” card on us next.

I do have kids but that has nothing to do with it. Hancock is your typical will smith movie, boring. Hulk looks like just a computer generated bag of shit. Wanted looks pretty dumb. Etc… so yea, Kung Fu Panda is better than most of the movies out there right now.

and I am not the one who bought a beemer, that would make you the flaming homo.

twin-turbo > no turbo

Believe it or not Wall-E was pretty entertaining. Lots of underlying themes that only adults would understand. Granted it wasn’t something I’d go see on my own, but it was still good.

i give Hancock about a 7. Wanted was a 5

Hancock, GREAT MOVIE !!
PG-13 but worth a watch
first time ever hearing will smith use the F word. good comedy and non comic book bullshit script !


Taking the girlfriend to see dark knight at the village tonight @ midnight…anyone else going??

i think were going to see the dark night sunday

dark knight was amazing! I am going to see it in IMAX now.

I cant wait to see it today, I wish I woulda went last night… I was up till like 1:30 anyways lol

Saw the new batman last night. Pretty good movie, and I’m not really into comics-turned-movies. Real gritty, and pretty much portrayed the Joker as more of a terrorist.

It also made a character like batman more believable. Showing how he does what he does and his own personal struggles.

Ill give it a 9/10, i was still hoping it would be more bloody.

I thought it was a good movie. People are making Heath Ledger to be some kind of saint with his performance. While it was good, it wasn’t the greatest either.

i thought the movie was amazing. by far the best out off all the batmans. with the one in 89 beign a close 2nd. i thought the joker was awesome he was freakin weird in it. i give it two thumbs up and something else

Ledger was a SAINT with his performance, UNBELIEVABLE.

Played the part PERFECT… the movie… well… perfect as well.