Summer Nationals in Worcester, MA. July 1-4

1st pic is ok, 2nd makes me not want to go

you dont think she’s hot? I thought she was the hottest one there.

you would

looks to me like she’s been through some stuff and some things

the AZN in red is looking nice tho

face it dude she’s better than what both of us have now

the platinum haired chick/dude in the background is the best part of that pic

Not than what I had last night lol. Standards, I haz them!

you might be gay if…

sitting on your left hand until it goes numb and then giving yourself the reach around again?

Seriously what is wrong with that girl?

She looks like you

my tits arent that big

eat more cheeseburgers

no, Im trying to lose weight (and tits), not gain.

Thats too bad

no, its a good thing.

omg is that Yetti? :rofl :rofl :rofl

But the girl PJB posted is fine, nothing wrong with a girl with some curves. Easy up on the man.

Great show and weather. Ive got a ton of pics, especially of the bikini contest on my camera.
I saw Crazed98Camaro’s car there on Friday.

wish i coulda made it… bought the race car intead fuckkkk it lol