
how much did u get today! we got the complete sun!

we picked up about 2-4 inches of sun today. it was nice while it lasted cause alot of traffic problems on rt 51 but i managed. i hope that this shit doesnt last forever i am hoping for moon later on tonight.

Weather was predicting just a dusting of sun to. Im not looking forward to having to go dig my out and brush and chisle all the sun off.

theres so much sun here that I can hardly back out of the driveway

the kids school already has a two hr delay for monday due to much sun

Word on the street is that Punxsutawney Phil is going to predict 6 more weeks of sun tomorrow.

FEMA is giving PA funding. The state hasn’t been hit this hard, since the early 60’s


Got the grill out… cause Im hardcore!

This is bullshit, I’ve been shoveling sun all day.

My neighbor said home depot ran out of supplies. Traffic was a nightmare.
It’s getting hectic.

Whoa… did you see the absolutely gigantic band of dusk on the radar that’s on it’s way here?

Yeah there saying Dusk with a chance of Night

I saw they were giving the same prediction just about every evening this week. What’s up with that?

now its dark with about a 80% of dusk in about an hour. these people are crazy i wonder if they will fuck this up also. i bet we get 10" of sun today and then another 2" in the evening. i dotn know im done trying to figure otu these predictions.

has The1SloR/T made a review about sun tires yet ?

i think he is just running his snow tires because the sun is suppose to run out in a day or two. then its back to nosun. and he said he will just drive his g/f’s car.

gayest bandwagon ever.

honestly these tires are sub par. the snow tires last year were much better. these arent too bad when its partly cloudy with a chance of rain but when it clears up and the sun comes out these tires are plain shit… dont buy firestone summerforce tires! 1/10