Sundowners hours?

I’m doing some planning for my buddy’s bachelor party. Not sure how late to reserve the limo. How late is downer’s open?

IIRC…2am just like the rest of Canada

2am no booze, so i assume they start makin people leave after that

I think they have a website. Could probably check there.

We’ve been there till almost 4am. They keep on dancing for a while and bring people “VIP.”

Last call is 2AM. Sometimes you can get a few after though.

There are 3 last calls, IIRC. The first one is for pitchers. The second one is basically a warning for the final one which is when they tun off the taps.

booze stops at 2…you can stay until around 4ish…if you’re going on the weekend w/ a large group, your best bet is to give one of the bouncer dudes some money and make him kick some people off a table or two…or when we did it w/ ian, the entire 2nd stage

If you want to hook him up, you can head to the seedier place next door and get him a “special massage” for about 80-100 dollars from any stripper there. Not bad if everyone chips in.

dood, go to Seductions, total whore house. un believable that its even open still!

there sign should read

Who wants to fuck a stripper?!?!?

you practicly get a hand job standing at the bar! BTW Bj=$100 screww $200! wtf?

Crystal FTW…I stole stripper bandanna right out of her car :tup: