Super Mario Race

Link removed due to virus.

No faking this… :ohnoes:

haha wow

damn that guys fast

haha the crazy thing is they finished at the EXACT same time!

thanks for the virus

lol nice

also got a virus blocked box, heh

Seriously? Damn… I musta got one then too. Where is it so I don’t have to scan all night?

Haha, nice

someoen remove that link ASAP!!! here is the location on my comp C:\Documents and Settings\S0medude\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\8HQR0H6N\expl1[1].wmf

Real-time Scan
Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security has detected a virus, spyware application, or other Internet threat, and performed the action specified.

Infected file: C:\Documents and Settings\S0medude\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\8HQR0H6N\expl1[1].wmf
Virus name: TROJ_NASCENE.D
User name: S0medude
Scan action result: Quarantined.

booo for onyx


haha i didnt see this thread til now…i guess thats a good thing :lol:

can anyone confirm the name of the virus file?

wonderful…cause i didn’t get a virus popup…damnit onyx!

yay +1 for no clicking

Direct link. :tup:

I beat the game once in 5:34. I spent months on it. And that was on the system, not an emulator. No one ever believed me though.

i dont believe you :slight_smile:

god mother fucking damn it