One of the hardest games I have ever played.

And this guy does it in 20 minutes. I’m still fairly certain I couldn’t beat this game if I tried, even with a walkthrough.

you can’t beat out of this world? man i thought you were an uber nerd! i beat it on emu for the millionth time 2 weeks ago. i always thought it was ahead of it’s time… and the sequel was also just as good.

my .02 :slight_smile:

Never heard of it. And people complain about games that “only” last 7 hours.

Fuck i remember that game! That was awesome and yeah i beat it.

That game felt like a Kurt Vonnegut story. I didn’t play it long enough to beat it but it was cool.

well might as well add this game to the hardest ever… this game was always impossible for me…

Castlevania 1 oh and the music kicks ass too lvls 3-6 :tup:

That is impressive!

the only speed runs I may be able to come remotely close to is Mega Man X for snes, or Zelda : A Link to the Past

I wonder how many of these speed runs are done without any kind of “tricks”

yea word the halflife speed run is a bunch of crazy crazy speed tricks

True amazing what they could manage with 4 distinct sound channels.

Depends on who did it.

A lot of these people belong to sites which have certain rules for speed runs, such as no emulators, no cheats . . . and so on. Each site or person for that matter have their own guidelines.

Contra Speed run

OMG YES!!! the music in the energy zone is THE BEST EVER ON NES
not to mention the guy demoralized the game lol

I don’t think any of these are done on a TV, they are probably done with an emulator so you can pause and restore from snapshots.

Most of them usually are tool-assisted.

Crazy SMB rom-hack :bloated:

I can speed run the first Mario for NES in like 5 minutes lol.

ninja gaiden 1 was pretty damn hard to beat