the most impossible platform game ever?


Network Access Message: The website cannot be found


ohh I thought this was about Battletoads for NES

link works fine for me :shrug:

ohh I thought this was about Battletoads for NES

lol I hated that game so much

I like N Game, look it up, its funnnn

after playing that game, it just plain sucks.

mine is so much better.

Such a bitch of a game. Especially in 2P mode.

31 lives to get to level 2

The beginning of level 2 was so frustrating I gave up there.

how the hell are you supposed to play that?

edit n/m figured out how to jump

Plus you can stick to walls and jump off them, its fuckign sweet.

I’ve beaten it :slight_smile:

then you’re not human. i wasted to much of my childhood on that game

ive beat battletoads as well.

This is fun.

ok this is pissing me off. later


fuck that is hard!!! lol!

XZ589L - level 2 I give up… 100 lives