SuperBowl 2011

I had a free ticket. Boring as fuck and I couldnt believe I sat thru the whole boring game.

watching sports on tv is boring, playing them is much better. Either way I will be getting hammered watching the game.


And lol @ followers of organized sports are smileys


I could honestly care less about watching major league sports. So many people I know get way into which is fine but I think its a waste of time. I know others agree too.

Many things can be qualified as ‘a waste of time’. Too each their own. I’m just surprised I guess…since until now all the American guys I knew (most of my friends are not American) were big time sports fans.

I think I’ve spend more time watching games this year then all the year prior combined.

Did it as a social thing with a friend of mine.

Got to admit, never cared or watched before anything other then superbowl but I got into it, especially with all the close nail biter games in playoffs.

most intense game i think i ever watched was the olympic hockey final when canada beat america… game was intense

Greenbay, I hope they can pull it off, but they will need some luck.

Luck? If Pitt plays like they played against the Jets (which is likely, as Pitt wasn’t impressive in either of the games against the Jets), Green Bay will have no problems. Aaron Rodgers is an AWESOME QB and I think he can now be safely considered one of the elite QB’s in the league.

And it’s not just him, their D is good. The Jets only played one half up to (somewhat) their potential. And Pitt almost lost the game (if wasn’t for bad play calling by the Jets coaches at the goal line). If they play the same way against GB, it’s game over in the 1st half.

Also, had the Jets been able to tackle Mendenhall, it would be a different Superbowl. 90% of his yards came after first contact. A LOT of missed tackles where guys already had their hands on him. That in essence, was why the 1st half went the way it did. In the second half, they bottled him up and look what happened. They almost won it.

Good luck to Pitt, THEY are the ones that will need it. Go Packers!

If you bring bad luck to green bay, I’m fighting you

I concur. Great game, just sucks that the Canadians won. Miller was killing it as goalie each time he was in the net, but Crosby got the best of him in OT.

I was legit depressed and emotionally drained for a few hours after that game. Playoff/Olympic hockey is awesome.

It happens unfortunately. Only three more years to go.

I always enjoy the nhl playoffs, I love hockey, but the regular season is just too long to keep up with. Unfortunately my team, the devils, are last in the the league.

NJD fan here as well. At least in last place they’ll get the best draft picks, which will in turn make Albany better as well. I haven’t gone to one game this season at Albany unfortunately but I’ll make at least one in the coming month or so.

shit… i still havent even gone to an albany devils game.

Me either. I keep saying I’m going to and it never happens.

shift gathering opp?

Well i think greenbay needs luck, Big Ben has been to this kind of game befor, last 2 of 3.He knows how to lead his team. I know for a fact pitts D will step up and Mr.Rodgers wont have long to put the ball in the air. I would not compare the jets to greenbay. The jets are good but still did not make it, They will be good again next yr if they stay intact. I will agree if pitts have a low score lead and they let greenbay get a few good drives they will lose. I think Rodgers is good but I dont think is a Elite, not yet anyways. But i hope Greenbay wins honestly, We will see.

hopefully a better outcome than superbowl xl