SuperBowl 2011

Bullshit call on the Sanchez fumble woulda won the game? The Steelers obviously took it down a notch after a 24 point lead the only thing that would of happened if that fumble was overturned is the Steelers embarassing the Jets some more… Rex Ryan is an idiot and should just keep his mouth shut he just makes it worst for everyone else on the team. What I don’t understand is how all the sudden the Jets get Rex and now all the Jets fans have to be shit talking idiots as well… lol

Haven’t missed a Bucs game in like 6 years… and don’t plan on missing one anytime soon.

All Jets fans? Relax Kimosabe.

Rex Ryan does his thing. I don’t agree with it either.

As for Pitt not playing as hard in the second half? What are you smoking? Pitt is a FOOTBALL CITY. Do you know what kind of backlash they would have had from the city had they blown that game? Trust me, they were playing ball. The difference was the Jets actually played in the 2nd half too and if it wasn’t for the bad play calling at the goal line and other similar decisions, I think the score would have been in the Jets favor.

Bottom line? Rex and his cronies blew the game in the 2nd half. Scott and his cronies on D blew the game in the first half by allowing Mendenhall to run wild and get like 90 of his 100 yards after initial contact.

Did you even watch the same game?

Pitt not playing hard. That is the most laughable excuse ever as to why the Jets almost pulled that game out. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you are a Pitt fan and just looking for an excuse as to why they had trouble in the 2nd half.

All Jets points in second half were un answered. I dont think you realize how a championship game works if you think the Steelers werent trying in the second half and were just letting jets score.

if you didnt notice a more relax playing defense in the second half your insane… Idc what you say.

With that logic you can call Jet’s defense and offense being relaxed for the first half as well.

It’s the championship round, they worked all year to make it to the superbowl, relax isn’t even on their mind, you’re insane.

Going through 3 quarter backs? Getting safety? What do you say about steelers offense? Just hanging out on the field?

Ok well I guess while I was watching the commentators were even mentioning about the steelers playing a safer defense that will stop the big plays and allow longer timed drives that could lead to eventual points which is how the jets scored. One drive took em like a whole 9 minutes. They’re insane also right? They get payed to talk football and im sure know alot more about the game then any of us

3 qb’s you can’t even focus on one game you got the bears mixed up with the steelers did you even watch?

I watched and may have gotten that aspect wrong.

Safer defense by no means equates to you saying they took it down a notch or relaxed in playing. It simply means they changed their strategy to a different goal.

How do the commentators back up anything you’ve said about them not trying?

Lmao it makes perfect sense… they are playing relaxed when there focusing on one part of the game. All im saying is that if that “bullshit” call went the jets way the steelers are playing a totally different defense in the second half. More like the defense they played In the first half. Btw how many total yards did the jets have in the 1st half? It was a game of the 2 teams I hate the mst cause of there fans.

You must be a Jets fan? If so this arguement makes perfect sense, but atleast even rec ryan didn’t make excuse like that on why they lost

I’m actually a Raiders fan, you were saying? I could care less for either team, it’s your points are ridiculous.

I could use your exact argument to argue for the Jets. How many points did steelers score in second half? How many yards? Jets defense was playing ralaxed the first half and they changed their strategy for the second.


The fact is that’s what teams do with a big lead… the point can’t be reversed seeing the jets had no points or lead.

If they kept passing the ball in the second half the jets would cry like they did when the patriots did it…

When you have a 4 possession lead in the nfl after half you run the ball and clock and notworry about points scored and the other side of the ball you worry about the big plays and let them get the smal 5 yd plays to run more clock. That’s exactly what the steelers did and when it came time to close the game they did just that.typically the jets knew that and stacked the box and worried about the run hence why there yards were minimal in second half. Your going to tell me it makes no sense?

It makes sense, but you are insinuating they stopped playing. As Vov said, their strategy changed, but their effort did not. The way you are explaining yourself makes it seem like the Steelers just stood there and let the Jets rack up 19 points in one half on them. You think those points were easier to earn for the Jets than in the first half when they had none? Doubt it. The Jets just started to play better.

Also, if the Steelers were playing prevent defense, why was Holmes able to get that big TD? Oh right, cause the Steelers were laying down.

I get what you’re saying, but you’re mixing two things up.

Holmes clearly got that Td cause the cornerback covering him slipped on the ground and fell on his ass no less and it was cause a move holmes put on him. You don’t think the steelers strategy made it easier for the jets to move the ball?

Thank you, at least someone gets it.

Exactly my point about the TD. The safety WAS PLAYING and slipped. If he was just playing lax defense, he would have been beat outright, not because of a slip. But he was trying, and fell, thus the TD. The Steelers were PLAYING BALL. They weren’t sitting back on their heels taking it easy.

I said they took it down a notch not stopped playing. They played with less urgency I.e. less blitzing, less deep throw attemps, less throw attempt at all actually. What you guys are insinuating is the jets all the sudden figured out happen(steelers)defense and decided to score on em which didn’t happen. When they got close to even thinking about winning the steelers finished em off. They were glad to give them those td’s cause it took em a whole 1/4 to get one.

Go listen to farriors post game interview they asked him about the difference between 1st n 2nd half and he states " ike slipped on the one pplay and we just got a little relaxed out there"… but your right they def were giving 110%

How did the steelers “finish them off”? A nail in the coffin for the jets would have been steelers scoring again in second half, they tried and they failed. I’m sorry but 16? Unasnwered points is not something any team is going to allow to give up.

If steelers didn’t complete the 1st down on that 3rd down play, jets could have had enough time to score and with the momentum they had, it’s not out of this world to think thu would have with under a minute left and some hail marys. They wouldn’t call a time out to plan accordingly either.

If defense was doing what you’re saying they were doing and making the jets take 9 minutes to score, believe me there wasn’t a whole lot of relaxing or taking it down a notch going on to force a team to make short plays everytime. A lot of hussling and tackling is involved. Hence why your point is null.

Offense on the other hand might have relaxed a bit sure, which is why they got safetied.

What he said. Especially the last line.

And the Steelers didn’t ‘finish them off’. The Jets failed to convert at the goal line because they made poor play calls. Not to mention one of the OL’s of the Jets gave away one of the plays to a Pitt LB due to his stance (two point stance) which basically was a dead give away saying, “We’re passing on this play.” Hence why the ball was batted down and that defender didn’t even bother getting past the blocker.

The Steelers won the game fair and square. The Jets didn’t show up like they should have. But don’t tell me Pitt is an AWESOME team and will easily handle Green Bay. Like I said, if they play as crappy as they played against the Jets (a game they barely won), they stand no chance in the Superbowl. Green Bays defense is very good (one of the top ones in the league along with Pitt and the Jets) and their offense is potent itself with Aaron Rodgers at the helm.

I see this being a 30-15 win for the Packers IF the Steelers play the same way they did last week. Big if, but judging from what I’ve seen with them playing the Jets in the last 5 weeks two times? Yeah, the Steelers don’t impress me much. They didn’t play very well either time and one was a loss and the other was an almost loss if the Jets hadn’t made bone head play after bone head play or missed tackles in which they ALREADY HAD THE GUYS JERSEY. :banghead

More like they got safetied because there pro-bowl center got injured and the center that replaced doesnt get much playing time ofcourse throw in a goal line fail on the jets part… But ofcourse you know more then me. Then the actuall middle linebacker of the Steelers who clearly stated that they got a little too relaxed, But hey again you know alot more about the game obviously then an actual player also.

These are proffesionals, They can not give it there all and still get the job done.

And if i’m not mistake both TD’s were scored where the cornerbacks messed up. One he fell down… and the other they ran into eachother (given they were on like the 5 yard line).