quik score by the steelers
mmmmmk those with slow & i go to strett racers with my car & only watch!!!
good win 4-1 wooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooo
they are looking really good and they keep gettin better. they have some things to polish up but if they can keep playing the way they are i see them going deep into the post season.
-it was finally nice to see duce get a TD and plaxico get some recieving yards
Thank you capt. obvious
i wasnt aware everyone on here was such an expert :squint:
i heard it on WDVE…
myron cope is definitely losing his grip on sanity…
i agree but hes still entertain to listen too
They have two hard weeks ahead of them.But I have faith in them.
went to the game, wanted to see more bus. People say he’s not gettin it done…well…to all those experts that call talk shows… when the bus got in the game cleveland was expecting the run and when you don’t block well, you can’t drive a bus through a one car garage. Bus still got it. Good game, feel bad for the guy who almost won 50 G’z on the opening kick off.
x2… i was at the game… good excuse to pound beers at 9am
i hated the second half, all that running and punting bull shit… pound the ball down the fucking field and score touchdowns. run up the score!!! we could have lost yesterdays game and thats the part that scares me. we did nothing the 2nd half but fuck around
that’s thanks to our great coach :rolleyes:
this reminds me of the “Prevent Defense” that worked soo well. Pittsburgh coaches suck balls
Guess that is why none of you are football coaches, b/c obviously none of you understand the theory behind why they slowed up in the 2nd half yesterday… This isn’t college kids, where you can just run the score up and not worry about opponents knowing your every move and tendency by next week. But I’m not even going to get into a discussion/argument about it, its like talking to a damn wall.
when you almost lose games because you “let off” that’s bad coaching.
I would much rather see the Steelers play a whole game and not worry about having to stop them on the last possesion to save it. fuck Cowher
wow man… thank GOD the US, no no… the world!, has someone like you to plan and implement structured sports… congratulations!!!
hahah… you got to be kidding me.
playing safe is not always so safe. the game could have easily went the other way.
please explain it to me mr football god!
:owned: :kekegay: