
i know, lol. thats the best part!

Oh man wtf I gotta shower for cp fest

either way laura and rachel could get it

a little bit , its very similar to german

…in the b-hole

and you could get the beatdown of your life!:smiley:

Pete Ramalamadindong is Polish and speaks it fluently

from my bedroom you can see the walmart parking lot. since its only 30 ft from my house :rofl

dont get ideas

She would beat your ass worse then Adam would

Cool, i know a few things…like “im a very bad boy” and “go home and go to sleep”


How the fuck did a super bowl thread turn in to this?

I know what house is yours now:ninja:rofl

prolly, she hits like a trucker!
I used to beat her ass when we were younger, so she can handle herself lol

Well you hit like a pussy so that doesn’t say much

Hahahahaha. I giggled a little…

I speak the truth

i dont wanna find out how hard adam hits



not hard at all:D