Superbowl Partys

anyone having one at thier house?

i was thinkin about it. then i realized that i have no parking what so ever. expecially now that i cant fit shit in my garage. (dirt bikes are there and truck is too big) and i also have a severe lackage of seating. but i got a nice TV… :slight_smile:


bring your own seat

Byob Byos Byog

bring your own beer… bring your own seat… bring your own girl?


BYOP, bring your own pop, :beer:

that works also :spank:

party over macs

im neither 18 nor 21, so both are illegal :doh:

wow you suck :bigthumb:

i might have one at my house…all depends on if i really feel like cleaning before and after the game…and if i feel like making food. I’m lazy so :dunno:


yes party over macs

gonna be some people over my place. My parents are having all my aunts/uncles over to watch on their 50some inch TV and I will have some friends over as well. My sister is also coming and she puts martha stewart to shame with the amount of food she will prepare… judging by the last few playoff games, I will gain 10 lbs by half time.

ill see you there :smiley:

Not sure what were doing, would be nice to find something though

haha well then i’ll set an chair up.

a loveseat for me and you :naughty:
