SuperMoon and Sunrise

I know Jim will recognize where i took the pictures from. The Wide angle sunrise is actually pretty much untouched, its an “HDR” photo, 6 different exposures together but without the HDR look, HDR is a wonderful thing when used for its intended purpose

Sweet shots! The moon is definitely crazy right now haha. I really like the first and 4th shots.

wow, nice stuff!!

I definitely recognize Rattlesnake Ridge/cliff/mountain in #5 lol.

You were close to some of my dirt backroad spots too.

Awesome shots.

I dident realize you lived that far out when I was talking with Matt, IDK how the hell you drive down here so often :rofl

Holy crap. Nice shots. I’m the first to hate on HDR, but if you didn’t mention it, I never would’ve known. Looks awesome and not tacky like most HDRs!

Yeah HDR is cool when used properly, I do like some overblown HDR shots, I think they can be very neat, but the point of HDR is to have a great range between the darkest area of a shot and lighter area to bring it more detail in harsh situations where something otherwise might be blown out and vice versa

Mine could have been a bit better and clearer but it was starting to look a bit funkier the more I did so I left it as is

Thanks for the words though Ollie!

Excellent shots man. Your best work yet.

Thanks Cossey, while I was shooting I get so nervous and critical of myself, if only this were a bit different, if only I could do that etc… I really wasnt sure, but once I started playing with them I saw a few I liked. Theres a few more I wish turned out better but im quite happy with them overall

I’m probably 45 minutes from the bridge one way.

It makes me laugh when I see people complain about having to drive 30 minutes to meet up lol. Honestly there isn’t much to do around here and no quality activity so to me it’s worth it. Last night I made it home from Latham in 1 hour and 31 minutes. It’s all dependent on traffic. I find the drive relaxing.

Shit and here I am the person who intentionally drives for hours on end with no real destination just to escape all the “noise” lol

Drives with no destination are great lol.

Love these!

Dude…you got wicked good at shooting wicked fast.

Impressive stuff.


Thanks dude, I don’t feel like that… I’m CONSTANTLY finding stuff I should have done or could have done better, im rarely pleased with anything I shoot. Im pretty happy with these but I think they could still be better

I get idea for how I want something to look before I even pick up my camera, and seldom once I start looking through the glass do I see exactly what I had imagined in my mind and I start to get pissed.

those are pretty freaking sweet!

Shady, do you mind if I share one of your photos on my FB page? Where was the one below taken? Thanks.

No knock yourself out man, look for OneShadyMofo Inc. on facebook

That was taken on the crown point bridge over Lake Champlain