[Supra content ] Snapped a few pics today

Wouldn’t you say “looks good Ryan” in that case?
I’m just saying. This is why grammar is so important.

whoa whoa whoa. keep the gay chatter for the OffTopic thread.

im flustered do to bennys retardation and missed the “it” in there. dont care




Brett’s probably also just getting home from work. Put that into consideration.

Car still looks like dookie

Car looks awesome Ryan!! … Have you thought about tint!!!..

I have, and I’m not a huge fan of tint. It looks good sometimes, but I dunno. It also atracts a lot of unneeded “official” attention.

Absolutely. I just got hit for tint last friday. It’s not like the Supra is your daily though. I couldnt see you getting hassled much in that car.

I don’t even feel like it really needs tint, I don’t think it would hurt or help the looks of the car either way.

I feel the same way, indifferent.

I think it would look cash. Then again, not my whip…

tintz is for suckaz

Needs less catalytic converters and more flames

Has no cats biatch.

so where are the flames?

I bet if he sat WOT on the limiter for a few seconds you’d see plenty.

not thread jacking but did a quick wingless tinted supra

wingless needs to be super low

I.E. more balls than bakerian has low

damn that guy needs spacers out back too