LOL looks like someone forgot to log out
yo wassup pumice!
hows ur dings, dude?
better than his sun roof
dang, u guys should see my car…
the wizard – :tup:
should come hang out sometime instead of being so scarce
Oh shit Pumice in the house…Hello Thomas
what up
Hiiiiii Pumice!
:c )
Pumice… how’s it goin. haven’t seen you in a long long time.
yay for pumass
oh snap, its statutory rape time
Ohhhhh it’s Humbert Humbert in the flesh!
'Sup, Pumice.
the funny thing is you arent kidding.
Funny thing (or not so funny) is that this Monday, someone must have muscled their white door open on my driver’s side, and put a (not so) nice mark between my door handle and the edge of my door. Bastards.