Suspension shops?

Are their any local shops that specialize in just suspension work? Im just looking for a part I need so Im looking for a shop that carries shock/strut accessories in stock so i dont have to wait a few days for the manufacturer to send me the part.

what part in particular…some stores carrry random stuff

Im looking for shock lock/ring nuts that hold the shock into the strut tube for KYBs and possibly Tokicos. KYB told me their are only 2 different kinds, one in metric and the other in english thread sizes. Im hoping a local shop has a spare set thats the correct thread size for my car (83 supra).


Already tried Hybrid and KS. They would have to order them thru the manufacturer which i could just do myself but would have to wait till tues-weds. to get em and they already sent me the wrong ones which is why I wanna find a local shop that might have spare sets lying around.

No one local carries that stuff in stock, you will have to order it.