
I am selling this for my brother. This bike is mint and a perfect starter, I just road it up the street and it feels great. My brother rarely road it so he figured it was time to send it to a good home. The oil was changed by Lconrad and the tires have a lot of life left in them. Pm me if you have any questions or need more info.

2006 Sv650s
Mileage- 4210
Condition- excellent
Price- $4000obo

no one?

20 bucks right now


You road it or you rode it? And did LCondrad do it or LConrad?

Don’t buy anything from this person, shift518, he is clearly mentally unstable and is a racist.

I doubt you’ll get more than half of that offered, these go for around 3k, 3.5k max.
Gl with sale though.

Lconrad worked on it? fuck that. I don’t want it.

The ad clearly states LconDrad… not to be confused with lconrad

honestly those two names dont even look the same, not even close

This is a great beginner bike. Incredibly reliable, too. I rode with a kid who had the fairing’d SV650 and it looked sharp, and was decently quick to boot.

Bump for U-Albany attending OP.

thanks man :thumbup

bump… brothers in boot camp right now, Id really like to get this sold for him.

Off topic but what branch and MOS ?

National guard. Infantry.

A nasty girl huh lol…But hey he still has the balls to do it so i give him credit. And glws.

A nasty girl?

Yah… he actually turned 28 today and has a career. Pretty dumb… but its his life.

In active duty we call the National Guard Nasty girls lol.

Yah I’ve heard that regular army doesn’t give much respect to the guard.

They have my respect. We just do the Army thing 24/7.

No doubt… well if you know anyone that wants a bike, let me know.