SWAT+Raid+Wrong house=...

I never narked on nobody

^ Would have been so much funnier if the guy with screen name “Johnnylude” used the “Swat came into my house” line.

if im not mistaken any sort of police/swat that enters someones house warrent or not the second there threw the door they have to identify themselves.

this would be because 1. so they establish its not someone breaking into there house and trying to steel something 2. if you shoot a cop chance are your going away for awhile 3. legal reasons

dont get me wrong i could be incorrect but any swat show ive ever watched on tv, i always hear them say something along the lines of “swat, everyone down.” or something like that.

I agree, verbal commands play a huge part in liability…However, I know guys in jail who take guns, go to drug houses, and bust in yelling search warrant and rob the place blind. I was told everyone inside usually stays on the floor and cooperates. Let me reitterate that these are convicts doing this. So it doesn’t always matter what what you hear. If you are a law abiding person and your door gets fucking kicked in, I suggest you go get some weapon to defend yourself and call the cops.

Raiding the wrong house means the right people got paid off