Sweet Cougars!

i like these kind of cougars alot better than the one in the other thread lol

Thread fail.

I hate parody threads, but this one is not bad. I’ve seen better cougars though…

by cougars did you mean beastly women?

so apparently i don’t know what cougars are. had to urban dictionary that shit. hahaha.

terrible represenation of cougars.


thats a cougar.

no that’s def not a cougar, said cougar must be at least semi-attractive or attractive after a few brewskis.

I like it

I WIN for cougars. :wink: a few will know what im talking about

pics or :bsflag:

can i just tell you guys thats my mom?

:lol: Great parody :tup:

And yes, cougars are older women out “prowling” for young drunk bucks. They have to be six pack supermodels. Better and they’d be milfs and wouldn’t have to prowl, worse and they’d have no chance.
