Sweet Zenki tail light treament

This looks pretty sweet… Much better than painting over the whole damn centre piece like I’ve seen so many times.



hehe for some reason it makes me think the lights are fake… like theve been painted those colors… looks cool tho but kinda cartoony or fake… i dunno i might be stressed at work right now looking at a monitor for the last 7 hours

yah i had something liek that planned for the longest time until i gave in and just went with koukis. painting a surface like that and getting it to stick without cracking/chipping is a bit of a prob. i considered going the vinyl route but never got around to it. if anyone tries this lemme know how it turns out

hehe i like it ^___^ seen someone do all red


I like the whole center garnish painted black better…

that car looks really really broken

that cool i think im gonna try that.

what do u mean it looks broken

that cool i think im gonna try that.

what do u mean it looks broken[/quote]
just looks weird, paint is wavy, aero is too big for the wheels, car is too high, tail lights look obviously painted.

$100 says its auto hehe

if its not auto who u gna give the $100bucks? :stuck_out_tongue: its tall cuz the rims are big? i dunno lol


looks like thhe cookie monster ate it, felt bad for eating it, tried to put it back together, but since hes so retarded he (has to be since he only eats cookies) put it together really sloppy. Hence the broken look