SX season opener

i doubt many (if anyone) cares, but the supercross season opens up this weekend. i am excited, it should be a fun season to watch. if anyone goes to Anahiem, check out some of the shirts at Mototees tents. i did alot of the rider shirts this season and a few event shirts too (including this weekends race, my boss did the others). i’m really excited, cause im a huge sx fan. itll be cool seeing alot of my stuff on sale.

now that carmichel is on a suzuki i’m a fan. but i do want to see bubba beat him

yeah, its cool Carmichael is on a RM now. i like all the top guys and im happy Mcgrath is back (i got to do 2 of his shirts!!!). but my longshot pic is that Pastrana will win the title if he stays healthy.

i like pastrana. always did always will, but he is a reeeaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyylong shot.


yamaha :slight_smile:


eh, yeah u r prob right. but i just sold one, so ill just pretend Suzuki>*

& u also pretend zo6>* :blue:

i think that might be fact though :boink :dunno:


soon…and your SS will be behind it :greddy: jk :love:

Suzuki = shit

and is Broc racing 125 east or west?

Suckzuki = shit and you know it.


true motors coming out sunday!

I always thought suzuki made I nice bike :dunno:

i’ve allwased like yamaha

yeah, broc is west. he’ll prob win the title. as far as suzuki being shit, i disagree. especially not 125s. they have alot to prove in the 250 class, since the bike was pretty much a turd up until 01, and got really good in 03. but the 125s have always been solid. its been the 125 of choice for alot of privateers for quite awhile (but so has the YZ). i love mine.