I totally forgot about this, I wanted to go up there with some C12, turn the boost back up and throw it in High Octane Mode… I havent had the car dynoed since it was stock with the boost at 16psi…
them kittens scream pretty loud :lol
Im a bit disappointed with my numbers but whatever the car is getting put away next weekend.
A friend of mine has one of those too… last I heard the car broke 1000whp, this pic is from last summer at E-Town…
I won best American ;D :nana and got a trophy ;D
Pete’s dyno was another one of the let downs, once he sorts things out thought it’ll put some nice numbers down.
there were awards??? :confused
right :confused :confused
how come i didnt win loudest car :
yeah best american, most power american & import, best euro, best import, and a couple more i believe.
damn I would have stuck around to see who got what.
to bad there wasn’t a best automatic haha
I should of got best of JDM :idiots
(not sure what class there even were, but still…)
Thank you to all that showed up, it was a great turn-out and was great to see you guys again. Look for more of these little events next year.
There might have been, but dude lol I don’t think anyone walking over looking noticed the RHD. Seriously, you had the hood up and people were coming over and looking like “oh it’s a stock B Series” :rofl SHOULDA PUT THE HOOD DOWN!!!
I totally would have won best Euro.
:rofl totally jk, my car’s a pos.
Jon’s black E36 won best euro (skiboard06)
Damn Joe for poping my hood :angry2. I guess people don’t even notice the small details, such as me driving on the other side, lol.
Yeah no1 noticed the brake booster and master cylinder on the rh side :ohnoes
:lol I’m assuming you mean Joe as in “johawk”? lol But yeah I don’t think anyone was paying attention to detail. Just from sitting in it i can tell it has to be difficult to drive :lol
I really don’t think ANYONE was paying attention :lol
By the time I left synapse, I got use to driving it. I love the RHD!
Was a ton of fun and a larger turn out then I had thought
A guy I met from CT said he got some weird looks driving in reverse through Wendy’s drive through… so you gotta try that!
Yea I’v been thinking about drivethurs and tolls.