SYSPREP users?!?

OK, I’m using sysprep to capture and distribute my XP images at work in conjunction with Ghost. What it comes down to is trying to set the default Wallpaper for users (which they can later change). We have an older, low quality image that was used previously so I updated it to a more crisp wallpaper.

When I set the wallpaper and sysprep the computer it captures the image and then when pulled back down it uses the old crappy wallpaper. I can’t find anywhere where it sets the wallpaper to that image.

Any help?

Did you try google?

I have used sysprep before to make Xen/VMware images but I never worried about the desktop wallpaper I will ask around.

Yeah, I’ve been googling for sometime now…A lot of posts are pointing towards Group Policy or a script, neither of which I want to do. It’s not critical that I do this, but the default one now for machines is old and pixilated. I’m going to try installing XP from an OEM CD and create a base image instead of using a ghost image. Once I get everything setup, I’ll try capturing it and pushing it back down. The wallpaper shows up in the registry in multiple places, but there is no .ini file or script or anything I can find that tells it to do so. Thanks for looking into it.

You can use nLite to build it can you?

I know you can insert drivers and crap I don’t know about other shit.

Nope we don’t use nLite…We install everything that’s needed, customize it…the usual. Then run sysprep and uses Ghost to capture the image and then obviously redeploy to machines of the same model. This is only for XP.

For Vista/7 imaging, that will be done with SCCM, where you can build a base image and inject software and programs right into it based on group, location, etc. It’s very cool, but we’re still working on getting it down to our liking.