T Boone Pickens: $80 oil within 6 mths, and maybe $100

Ah, now that you explained it, it’s still isn’t funny. :slight_smile:


Ah, now that you explained it, it’s still isn’t funny. :slight_smile:




Ah, now that you explained it, it’s still isn’t funny. :slight_smile:


Ah well, not EVERYTHING I post can be gold…

I don’t see how not buying gas on a specific day would do anything. We’d still have to buy it the next day…

And Venezuela does ship some oil here. Citgo! And I heard a story way back that they were providing some poor American households with really cheap natural gas as a publicity stunt. Don’t know if they’re still doing it, but it was to make themselves look better than our administration.

Edit: found it http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5065068

It won’t do anything. Anything who suggests otherwise is either sarcastic or stupid. You can pick which one I am. :stuck_out_tongue:


It won’t do anything. Anything who suggests otherwise is either sarcastic or stupid. You can pick which one I am. :stuck_out_tongue:




Typically :sword: :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve been hearing this for 2 years now. Demand is going to decrease come August. There might be a slight bounce as refineries switch over again from gasoline to heating oil in the fall, but unless some serious shit happens in the sandbox with Iran or something we’re not going to $100 oil in 6 months.



From the link…

OPEC will not allow oil to get that high. At that price those difficult/expensive places to get oil from suddenly become very profitable. That means much more oil on the market, and it won’t be coming from OPEC. This was discussed in detail in on of the other gas/oil price theads.



We are getting close to $100


should have bought stocks years ago :frowning:

Buy Boone’s company CLNE FTW!